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HERS Field Inspector Class in Charleston, SC Hugely Popular

On the first weekend in April 2009, Energy Vanguard taught a class to a room full of people interested in becoming Home Energy Rating Field Inspectors at the Trident Technical College in North Charleston, South Carolina. Twenty three students enrolled for the three day class, in which they learned:

On the first weekend in April 2009, Energy Vanguard taught a class to a room full of people interested in becoming Home Energy Rating Field Inspectors at the Trident Technical College in North Charleston, South Carolina. Twenty three students enrolled for the three day class, in which they learned:

  • Fundamentals of building science
  • How to use a Blower Door and Duct Blaster
  • Protocol for doing a home energy rating field inspection

At the end of the class, each student took the national home energy rating field inspector test, and those who passed qualified to go through the second phase of the certification process – performing home energy rating field inspections under the guidance a certified home energy rater.

Energy Vanguard’s next rating field inspector class is scheduled for August. If you’re interested, you can enroll online, through the mail, or in person at Trident Technical College.

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