New Webinar Scheduled: Understanding Air Conditioners

Energy Vanguard has scheduled a new webinar on the fundamental principles of air conditioning. Titled Understanding Air Conditioners — The Refrigeration Cycle Demystified, it will cover:
Energy Vanguard has scheduled a new webinar on the fundamental principles of air conditioning. Titled Understanding Air Conditioners — The Refrigeration Cycle Demystified, it will cover:
- Air conditioning history & terminology (briefly)
- The refrigeration cycle
- Cooling, dehumidification, and distribution of air
Intended for home energy pros and others who work with HVAC contractors, this webinar will help fill the language and knowledge gap for those without much background in HVAC.
Webinar details:
Date: 12 June 2013 Time: 2:00-3:00 pm EDT CEUs: Applied for BPI continuing education credits. Will confirm once approved.To learn more about this new webinar and to sign up for it, click the button below.
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Hopefully you will go over
Hopefully you will go over the 2 most common issues with HVAC systems, oversizing and poor airflow 🙂 These are the 2 major things missed by most HVAC contractors.
Oversizing a system to make up for crappy ductwork/installation practices is far too common.
Bob: I may
Bob: I may mention those topics, but the purpose of this webinar is mainly to help people understand the refrigeration cycle and the general principles of AC operation. Oversizing and distribution problems deserve their own webinars.
It’s great that you give this
It’s great that you give this seminar. As an onlooker let me suggest one topic: the opportunity to downsize AC upon replacement. With typical AC one can observe sub-100% duty cycles in hot summer days. Establishes proof that smaller AC will do the job. Typical oversize goes along with excess ESP, existing duct system will definitely have lower ESP with lower airflow (illustrates a big hazard of upsizing on same duct system too!). This will not address some problems but it will address some very common ones. FWIW, done in own house.